
Our Bosnian sister's emergency visa, deadline 1st of July.


Let's ensure our sister's visa is secured in order to remain reunited with her 6 children, including the 21 year old 100% disabled daughter who's been dependent on her mother all her life.

Our sister is a single mother of six. They live in Egypt, where she was allowed a visa to reside for 10 years. Her children are not allowed to leave the country. 

Recently, we supported her trip to Bosnia to renew her passport and visa. This was the first time she was separated from her children including the 21 year old daughter who is a 100% disabled from birth. Whilst there, she endured an extremely testing hardship and ordeal. She had to make lengthy multiple journeys to Egyptian embassy in Sarajevo where she was repeatedly rejected, which meant she was refused entry to Egypt and being separated from her children for good. She fell in utmost desperation and fear that she will never be reunited with her children again. The worst ordeal any mother should ever go through.

Meanwhile, her children were desperate for their mother's return, especially the 21 year old disabled daughter who could not even comprehend the situation. She only knew her mother, the only person who took full care of her all her life, is not there anymore. She was constantly banging her head against the wall and her siblings were not able to stop her.

Sister was running out of time and if she missed her flight, she had no means of getting another ticket, even if she got the visa.

Elhamdulillah, by the will and mercy of our Rabb, one of our brothers (whose wife and himself had been in the same situation several times and know it too well)  managed to pull certain connections from UK through Egypt to Egyptian embassy in Sarajevo. And the sister has been granted an entry visa lasting only a month  and has been reunited with her children. 

And yet again, she finds herself in a desperate situation, in a race against time. In order to remain in Egypt with her children, she has to apply for another visa, and has to keep doing so every two years.

Their situation is really dire and appalling. Absolutely living on the brim of existence. 

They have never had any financial help from the government because of their status, which is - no status. 

May Allah swt  keep you and your loved ones in his protection always and never test you with such a test. Ameen ya Rabbi 
