
Mother and her children, all severely ill, in extreme poverty 


Poverty stricken family in Tunisia.

She survived the war. After the war her husband was deported back to Tunisia and he was imprisoned for 10 years. The details are horrific and the sister and their children were not allowed to leave the foreign country and they were stuck in poverty in without any status or financial help; literally surviving on handouts.

She has been diagnosed with PTSD, depression, anxiety and severe panic attacks and is currently under the psychiatric treatment. Her children have various mental health issues, ADHD, autism, learning disabilities etc. due to the extreme poverty and malnourished lifestyle. Husband is not allowed to work legally and hence cannot provide for his family. They are struggling on daily basis with their needs. They survive on lentils and beans. They only wear second hand clothes. They eat meat only two times a year! They can't afford to pay rent, children’s school equipment, medicine, clothes, shoes.

Their living conditions are appalling. Please see photos/video provided. They literally live on someone's roof in one room with a tiny makeshift kitchen. All mattresses are so old, full of bed bugs. The children are continuously being bitten all over the body which makes their conditions worse and even more difficult to deal with.

She has really had an extreme difficult life and is finding it very hard to deal with their own illnesses and poverty at the moment.

They have been side-lined from the society and not allowed any human rights as the result. She only visited her parents and family in Bosnia once in 15 years due to extreme poverty.
At the moment there is shortage of staple food in Tunisia as well. The meat is extremely expensive.

As Eid is approaching very soon, let's lighten some of their burdens at least and make their Eid a happy day with some new beds, matresses and bedding to sleep on, table and chairs to sit on for a meal, do homework and study on, a wardrobe to keep their second hand clothes in, and help them forget their struggles and make their lives that bit easier and more comfortable. 
