
Palestinian refugee brother with four children in very poor condition


Our Palestinian brother and his family of four children are refugees in Jordan. They have no status and no financial help. 

He has been suffering from Multiple Sclerosis (auto immune disease) which has affected him with fatigue, difficulty walking, blurred vision, problems controlling the bladder, numbness and tingling in different parts of the body, muscle stiffness and spasms, problems with balance and co-ordination, problems with thinking, learning and planning, thickening and hardening of skin, for four years now. This has left him bed ridden and unable to provide for his family. He is currently receiving chemo for his condition. 

Their are living in extremely poor conditions. They literally have nothing to eat, no water, no heating.

People around them, who are poor themselves, bring them only bread to eat and water to drink.

His health condition, malnourishment and chemo have caused his teeth to fall out.

You can see that all of this has left the brother (and his family who were to embarrassed to be filmed) living skeletons. The only reason he agreed to be filmed is because they are so desperate and he is very ill and he cannot watch his children starve. 

In the video you can see him praising and thanking Allah swt on everything and he's pleading with us to feed his children with bread at least and  quench their thirst with water.
