
Desperately in need young single mother with liver cancer and a disabled daughter


This young single mother has been diagnosed with stage 2 liver cancer last year. Her mother also passed away from liver cancer and her father was killed in the war. She has a 100% disabled daughter who is believe it or not 11 years old (see the photos below). The little one was born premature at 26 weeks after long term abuse her mother suffered. She was immediately diagnosed with Respiratory distress syndrome, Morbus haemoliticus neonatorum (Rh isoimunisatio), EST facta prima, Infectio tractus urinarii, Sepsis. All this rendered her little soul trapped in a non functioning body and a 100% disability.

11 years on (SubhanaAllah look at the photos, she looks like an anorexic 5 year old), she is eupnoeic, hypotrophic, afebrile, extremely astenic. The only sounds she produces are cries, groaning, sobbing, inarticulate screams. She doesn't make an eye contact nor she follows with her eyes. Her weight is 12 kg (an average 11 year old weights 39 kg), she's got spine kyphosis, abnormal breathing. She's still in nappies. She needs 32 tests done at one time.

Her mother borrows the the wheelchair you see in the photo, from a neighbour, from time to time to take her out, she cannot afford one. They live in an one bedroom run down flat that hasn't been redecorated since the war.

They both need help with medical bill, rent household bills, food, nappies, and at least second hand wheelchair.
