
Donations needed for the basics, food, bills, clothing and education


Bosnian sister, single mother with 6 small children. She has hereditary spastic paraparesis (it's severe). She is 100% disabled. Her mother, sister and two brothers all have the same condition.

Unfortunately, now her 8 year old daughter has started to show the symptoms of the illness which are increasingly progressing.
She has 6 children, eldest son 16 y/o and 5 girls, youngest is not even 3 y/o yet. Her husband has abandoned her and their children. She lives in a rented flat with her 6 little ones and has no help whatsoever. Truly in an appalling and desperate condition.
The eldest boy is studying Hifdh, and has nearly memorised the whole Qur'an Masha'Allah.

She is struggling with her own illness, plus looking after 6 children in appalling conditions with no financial support.
We are raising funds to help with her basic necessities and to pay for her son's next year Alim and Hifdh Madrassah.

Cases like hers are the very reason we have founded our charity. It started from very humble beginning with a handful of dedicated and truly amazing sisters. The following hadith is our motto and what brought us all together: 
"It is one who cannot find enough to suffice him, who is not known to be poor such that he is given charity, and he does not ask people for anything."
(Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 4265 & Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1039)

Therefore we seek the poor and needy who are too embarrassed and their pride does not allow them to ask for help, yet they are in the most dire need.
