
One month old baby in ICU fighting for her life


The baby is only one month old. Contracted covid 19 and developed severe chest infection. She has been admitted into the ICU, and she's been on ventilator and life support since Wednesday this week. Her condition is getting worse every day.

Her mother, our sister, has been separated from her as the pandemic was announced yesterday and all the rules and regulations put in place. 

They have 2 little boys at home who are very ill, too. However, they have been quarantined at home. 

As they live in a country where it is next to impossible to exercise their religious rights, they have not been able to get any job and have been living mostly on handouts and help from others. They have been through a lot and in an extremely dire situation, especially since this winter where the temperatures plummet to -10, and it can feel like -20 with a very heavy snowfall. So, just a simple task as getting to the hospital was a mission. 

Our sister had already lost one daughter a few years ago, and she's still grieving 💔 

Let's help save this baby's life by the will of Allah swt and help this family stand back on their feet 🤲🏻
