
Asylum seeker student in debt for uni tuition fees


A family of six seeking asylum in the UK. The parents have lots of  health issues due to the traumas they've suffered during and post war time. They don't have work permits. They have two severely autistic children, one of whom is in constant trouble with police and social services.

None of the children are allowed to carry on higher education nor work by law.

The eldest girl has managed to persuade the MP to help her get a place at Uni, and after a year long struggle, the Uni agreed, however she can attend only as an international student. That means her tuition fees are almost as double the price as the regular student. She's not eligible for student loan. She has borrowed money from friends to pay for her first year and she's been working cash in hand after her classes and the weekends and studying at night in order to pay back her debt. 

She is a very good girl, she's trying very hard to make a difference in her life so she can help her family as well.

Let's help her and take at least some of the stress and burden away from her.

It's stressful enough to be a regular student with all the financial help and support they are entitled to and living in a regular family.

Just imagine her struggle. 
