
Help finance Yemeni sister's life saving operation 


Our sister Balkes, a single mother from Yemen. 

She has suffered from back and leg issues, where the nerve was so damaged that it made her leg muscles shrunk and lose their function. The bones also got very weak. All this caused her leg to drop and get paralysed. On top of it all, her hip has been severely affected with osteoarthritis, which is very painful. 

She suffered like this for several years. The recent fall caused her condition to worsen to the point that doctors in Yemen thought that she had cancer now. As they were not able to help her, they recommended that she should go to Egypt. As she's very poor, one of the sisters took a loan of £2000 to pay for her travel and accommodation expenses. 

Further investigation in Egypt discovered that she has a very rare infection inside the bones of her damaged leg. They kept putting her on different strong antibiotics that were of no help whatsoever.

However, further MRI scans revealed that she needs an operation to remove this infection. She has been diagnosed in 3 different hospitals, and they all came to the same conclusion. 

The operation is extremely expensive, 200 000 to 250 000 Egyptian dollars, which is between £5100 - £6390.

She has been in Egypt since October, waiting for financial help to be able to receive this life-saving operation, and she is now running out of time. If she can not afford the operation, she has to return back to Yemen in two weeks' time. 

She is absolutely desperate, very weak, in a lot of pain and tired.
