
To replace a rotten door, window and floor damaged by damp and fungi to the point it is affecting their health.


Her husband fought in the war. He passed away from lung cancer shortly after the birth of their son. She is a heart patient (several open heart surgeries). They live in a very poor condition. Usually depending on hand outs.

Last Ramadan we helped them renovate the flat and bought new appliances and fire wood for winter.

This Ramadan, let's complete our good work by replacing the rotten floor boards that are coming up from damp and water, rotten window that cannot close properly letting winter in causing damp and damage to the already fixed walls and loss of heat from the flat, and rotten door that cannot be locked hence risking an easy break in.

It's very difficult to see the extent of the damage on these photos/videos, however when I was on the video call the damage is horrendous. Her feet literally sink into the floor.
