
 Free a sister in Liverpool from debt


Our Bosnian sister, who lives with her family in Liverpool. Her husband is a foreigner who fought in the war to free Bosnia from oppressors. After the war all non Bosnians citizenships were taken away and they were being deported back to their countries (namely North Africa before the Arab spring) where their lives were in great danger.  So they sought asylum in the UK. For 11 years they had no status, no rights. Their children were not allowed to have a normal childhood like their peers because of the restrictions dictated by Home Office. They were not allowed neither further education nor to work when all their friend went to Uni or got jobs. The youngest one who was born in the UK is now 11 and still has no status at all. This affected them a lot. After their case was processed, they've finally got a 2 1/2 years remain to leave visas which cost them £10,000. So every 2 1/2 years for 10 years they have to renew it and pay £10,000. Their 3rd renewal is coming up this year. No-one wants to give them a decent job because of this. So in effect they were robbed of 17 years of their lives, and they will remain like this for the next 5 years.  However this appeal is not regarding that.

This appeal is to help this sister clear her debts as she is the breadwinner for the whole family. She works in a factory from 5am to 4pm, 5 days a week, for the lowest wage and where all the workers are being abused and treated like slaves with no rights that apply by law at your usual work place. Her husband used to deliver leaflets, however he has recently fallen very ill and as per their new status they are only allowed to work and nothing else. They are not even allowed free NHS. I could write a book of this sister's trials and tribulations. I'm sure you get the picture, as we used to help this family out on many occasions. She is the nicest, kindest soul. She needs our help as she is really struggling to support her family at the moment, even to put a decent iftar on their table. And even so she is always helping others in need, especially with charity work. 

She is in debt of £1,500. 

Buraydah ibn al-Aslami reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever grants respite to one in a difficult debt, he will have a reward of charity for each day. Whoever grants him respite after payment is due, he will have the like of it in charity for each day.” (Sunan Ibn Mājah 1977)

Abu Qatadah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever grants relief to a debtor or absolves his debt, he will be in the shade of the Throne on the Day of Resurrection.” (Musnad Aḥmad 22023)
