
In support of brother Juma Hassan who requires amputation operation and medication


We are seeking financial support towards further treatment for Juma Hassan. He has been transferred from General Hospital to Tendri Hospital for more specialized treatment. He is diabetic and so far three toes have been amputated and Doctors are considering further leg amputation up to the knee. He is required to manage the blood sugar levels to avoid further damage to the internal organs. The drugs are very costly.

In preparation for the high hospital/medical fees, it is necessary we commence the fundraising ASAP.

Our brother Juma is heading for the operation. The doctors have decided to amputate his left leg up to and above the knee. The other right leg is also affected but they'll try to save it with management from artery specialists. 

The procedure was successful. He is stable but on oxygen.

May Allah Bless this cause. 


Asalaam Aleykum Warahamatulla Wabarakatu Good People, Alhamdulillah Juma has been discharged from ICU to a normal ward. We pray he stays in the normal ward for observation for not more than three days and be discharged, In Sha Allah. The INTERIM ICU Bill is 👆. Our Honourable Treasurer is now back on air and we humbly request donations to flow in for this noble cause. JazakAllahu Kheyr.

Brother's Juma update 17-02-2023 20:41

A note from Juma's wife: "Asalaam Aleykum Warahamatullah Wabarakatuh Good People, as you are aware amputation is traumatic due to its consequences not only to the patient but also to the entire family. As a team please let us continue with our prayers for Allah to enable us manage through these tests. On behalf of the entire family, we thank you all for the generous contributions and prayers. As per Honourable Treasurer's books (0720644048) we have 83k+ to meet the hospital INTERIM bill. Please let us support Juma and Allah will reward us abundantly. JazakAllahu Kheyr."

Juma's operation 06-02-2023 21:57
