
Emergency Appeal - help destitute, refugees, desolate, who have lost everything all over Again! 


Elhamdulillah, we have managed to get in touch with a brother hafidh of Qur'an and very trustworthy who is telling us that not only these are refugees, desolate and displaced already struggling to survive, they have now lost lives, many injured and lost absolutely everything for the second time (due to the war) whilst still fearing for their lives as the danger for them is far from over unlike for Turkey who is getting all the help and support.

So we are launching an emergency appeal for Syria.

Please be as generous as you always have been and show solidarity to those forgotten and abandoned as always.

Remember, we are one ummah, and your help and support won't go unnoticed nor forgotten by Allah swt and those desperately waiting for at least one Ray of light at the end of a very long and dark tunnel.


This money will be distributed as follows: -Cash sums to families affected by the earthquake. -Providing strong and durable tents with furniture for those who lost their homes due to the earthquake. -Paying the debts of those who died in the earthquake and there is no one left who can pay from their family (grocer dues, etc). We started to set up the first tents. It will be ready before nightfall. We are getting organised to distribute your kind donations as fits best as possible. Our current location is Gadafa collective tent area. The poles of this tent are made of solid iron, and it also has a strong sheath. This tent is twenty-four square meters, 6m x 4m, which is big enough for a family. It cost $215 with everything. We ordered 13 tents like this. May Allah give you health and goodness. Ameen We bought these household items and materials for this family whose house was completely destroyed. Alhamdulillah, three orphan children, and their mother survived. We also gave them a thousand turkish lira. Inshallah, we will not forget you and your help. And we hope Allah will reward you for all your help. We have placed the items inside the tents. There are 4 families surviving from the Gindeeres region in these two tents. We are currently building two more tents. There will be one tent for each family and household items for them. May my allah reward you with good. This family's house was completely destroyed. They've found an empty, abandoned house. We bought carpets, foam mattresses, pillows, blankets, food, one thousand lira in cash. They are making so much duaas for everyone as they received no help whatsoever.

Syria earthquake update 17-02-2023 14:50
