
Father of three little children, 100% disabled due to the freak accident. 


This appeal is for brother Muamer's operation and family living cost support.

Almost a year ago, brother Muamer was involved in a freak accident. He was working as a lumberjack in a vast forest providing for his family. Suddenly, a large beech tree, that was cut and left unchecked, fell on him snapping his body in half, enveloping him tumbling down the mountain into abiss. The rescue found him hardly alive in shock that he had survived this ordeal. His spine and pelvic bone were completely shuttered leaving his leg 7 inches shorter. After grueling year of pain, operations and struggle he's now at home unable to walk and still connected to catheters. They were already living a humble life in very basic poor conditions in an old crumbling house before his accident. 

He is too shy to ask for any help or support. 

However he needs a number of surgeries in Turkey estimated cost of £16 000 (€18 000) to be able to extend his leg and walk again. Even if we cannot help with the full amount, we can contribute as much as we can bi ithnillah. 

In the meantime, they are living of handouts, you can see how skinny he is SubhanAllah. The house is so run down, the cooker and the fridge are from the 1980-ies, old rusted, an absolute health hazard.

With an 18 month old baby, a 9 and 11 year old. His wife is continously crying.


He has now had major surgeries in Turkey. All went well. In recovery now. Extremely grateful and thankful to all who helped him get there and kept him and his family in duas.

Muamer's operation 06-02-2023 22:03
