
Help a sister pay for her breast cancer treatment


This is an Urgent appeal for sister in Bosnia who has been diagnosed with breast cancer, stage 2, in January this year. The type of cancer is extremely hard to treat. It's already spreading very fast. The only treatment that could help is medicine called Keytruda - Pembrolizumab is a type of immunotherapy. It stimulates the body's immune system to fight cancer cells. 

Pembrolizumab targets and blocks a protein called PD-1 on the surface of certain immune cells called T-cells. Blocking PD-1 triggers the T-cells to find and kill cancer cells. It is administrated directly into the vein through a central line. This is a long plastic tube that gives the drugs into a large vein, either in your chest or through a vein in your arm. It stays in while you’re having treatment, which may be for a few months and the treatment is given every 3-6 weeks.

Each dose costs £6000. She has already had 2 doses. The next dose is due on Wednesday the 4th of April. The previous 2 doses were paid by family and friends and by huge loans. She has started to make progress already elhamdulillah. She is 38 years old. She has had multiple failed IVFs that left her broke mentally, physically and financially. She is a well educated sister who was working full time up until her diagnosis. Extremely shy and embarrassed to ask for any help. I was contacted by her sister. I know the family personally and this came as a huge shock to me. All she wants is to get better and to get back to work to her class as those children are her life and so she can pay the money loaned for her treatments. She is so humble, subhanallah, even though she has lost all her hair, she says she doesn't mind, she has her hijab. Allahu Akbar! And she is first and foremost asking for duaas subahanallah and thanking everyone nevertheless the outcome of her collections. Truly, a gentle, kind, beautiful soul.

This is a unique oportunity to help save her life.

Resonating the Quran 5: 32: “That is why We decreed for the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul, without [its being guilty of] manslaughter or corruption on the earth, is as though he had killed all mankind, and whoever saves a life is as though he had saved all mankind”.
